
The Church is made of people

I was deep in thought last night at Bible study when the question about The Church was aired. 'When we do not attend church, how are we effected?' I was more struck by the usage of the work 'church' than the question itself.

Old news but Church is people, not a building. Church is not a place where people gather to sing songs and listen to someone tell them about Christ or how they should be living. Christ did not die for specific times during the week we consider holy. The Holy One did not bring about salvation for brick and mortar. It may seem like simple semantics but I believe it's a simple step in correcting the way we think about worship and our relationship w/ God.

I know numerous missionaries who have the most amazing experiences in the field and humbly produce great fruit in the name of Christ, b/c of Christ and for Christ. They come back to the States to relax. Relax? That's the type of "Christian Nation" we are? A rest stop for the weary who are doing the LORD's work? These same missionaries share stories w/ their supporting congregations and everyone in the building leaves feeling refreshed and renewed w/ new hope and resolve. Is the message different? Can the missionaries be preaching a different gospel than what we are hearing on Sunday?


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